What’s happening?
A few months ago, Amnesty supporters made a submission to the government inquiry considering whether Parliament should legislate a federal Human Rights Act, and protect our rights in law.
Over 4,000 submissions were sent to the inquiry, showing the Albanese government that there are thousands of people across the country who want and need them to legislate a Human Rights Act.
These submissions from everyday Australians, as well as the petition signed by Amnesty supporters in support of a Human Rights Act, add considerable weight to the government’s final decision. Such actions make a true impact to ensure human rights are protected across the nation. From Mudgee to Darwin, and everywhere in between, people told the government why human rights matter to them, what human rights they are concerned about, and why they need the government to legislate an Act. Here’s some of the supporters shared with the government:

The inquiry is now considering the submissions, and will release a report in March 2024, recommending whether or not the government should legislate a Human Rights Act. When that report is released, we’ll need people to speak out in support of a Human Rights Act. We know that we can only secure this critical federal law if thousands of people speak out in support of it. In the meantime, you can continue to make an impact by signing this petition in support of a Human Rights Act for Australia or sharing it with your family and friends.
What’s next?
Thanks to the submissions and petition signatures from Amnesty supporters, we are one step closer to protecting all of our rights in law.
While we wait for the 2024 report, we’ll continue to campaign. In August, we spoke to Labor and Union members about why Australia needs a Human Rights Act, and what an Act would mean for workers. A few days after, the Labor conference amended the Labor Party Platform to include a call to consider a human rights charter!
Every day, we move closer to a world where our rights are protected in law. Where our government considers and respects human rights, and where we can take real action if our rights are abused.