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Donald Trump standing in front of an American flag
North America
Defending global human rights in the Trump era
22 November 2016 | 8:32 am

By Salil Shetty, Amnesty International’s Secretary General That which unites us is always greater than that which divides us. Yet, around the world, the forces of division seem to be gathering momentum. Walls rising up along borders, hatred and fear welling up within and between populations, repressive laws assailing basic freedoms. The US election results, […]

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A caricature of Malcolm Turnbull by DonkeyHotey on Flickr. © Flickr/DonkeyHotey
98% of Amnesty supporters say Turnbull’s Government must lift its game on human rights
26 October 2016 | 11:13 am

Today marks 100 days since the new Turnbull Government Ministry was sworn in. That’s plenty of time to show us its human rights credentials, so we asked Amnesty supporters around the country to rate the Turnbull Government’s leadership in defending human rights. The results are in – and you’re not impressed Nearly 5,000 Amnesty supporters […]

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The burnt remains of Rabaa Adawiya mosque following a security forces crackdown in Cairo, August 2013.
Responsive campaigning Middle East
The unjust legacy of Egypt’s darkest day
19 September 2016 | 2:01 pm

Two years on from Egypt’s Rabaa massacre many ordinary Egyptians still live in the shadow of what happened that day. Amnesty International campaigner Nadine Haddad describes the violence and its aftermath. 1,000 people dead As you walk through the bustling traffic in Cairo’s Rabaa al-Adawiya Square today, you would never know the bloodiest incident in […]

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A Jammu & Kashmir police van, India.
Freedom of expression, association and assembly Asia
India: Global standards on police use of force violated in Kashmir
12 September 2016 | 12:45 pm

Security forces are using arbitrary and excessive force in response to protests in Jammu and Kashmir, violating international standards and worsening the human rights crisis in the state. At least 78 people, including two security force personnel, have been killed in the state since 8 July, following protests and violent clashes after the killing of […]

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Close-up of some small lit candles lined up in a row.

Amnesty International Australia’s Human Rights Innovation Fund supports new, innovative and creative initiatives that defend human rights.

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Satellite image of the Moe Gyo Sulphuric Acid Factory and Kankone Village, which is about 200m away
Economic, social and cultural rights Asia
Myanmar: Sulphuric acid factory behind health fears must be relocated
20 July 2016 | 1:36 am

The Myanmar government must immediately order the relocation of a sulphuric acid factory built dangerously close to a village, which is continuing to operate despite grave concerns over its health and environmental impact. Residents of Kankone village told Amnesty International on a recent research mission to Myanmar that they are suffering from strong-smelling factory emissions […]

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A female Federal Prison in Mexico.
Gender and sexuality North America
Mexico faces a test to end torture of women by police and military
19 July 2016 | 1:48 pm

Verónica Razo, a Mexican 37-year-old mother of three is terrified of sleeping. Every night, when she lies in her bed in a small cell in Morelo’s federal prison, an hour outside the capital, Mexico City, her mind replays the scariest 24 hours of her life. On 8 June 2011 federal police raped, suffocated and electrocuted […]

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An illustration of four blindfolded prisoners hanging from the ceiling.
Freedom of expression, association and assembly Middle East
Egypt: Hundreds disappeared and tortured amid wave of brutal repression
13 July 2016 | 3:38 pm

Egypt’s National Security Agency (NSA) is abducting, torturing and forcibly disappearing people in an effort to intimidate opponents and wipe out peaceful dissent, as highlighted by a damning new report published by Amnesty International today which shows an unprecedented spike in enforced disappearances since early 2015. Egypt: ‘Officially, you do not exist’: Disappeared and tortured […]

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