amnesty school group

Resources for Amnesty Groups

Looking for more resources to guide your Amnesty Group?

Human Rights Education Materials & Resources

  • ***NEW*** Amnesty International Australia has teamed up with the producers of the Franklin film to create an ACARA-aligned Year 9-10 Civics & Citizenship Unit Plan on The Franklin River Blockade
  • ***NEW*** Watch the film ‘Palestine Under Siege’ in short, bite-size, school-friendly clips and engage in discussion about the human rights implications of the crisis unfolding in Gaza right now
  • Climate Justice Workshop: 4-part workshop with running sheets, slideshows and facilitation notes all provided
  • Rights Arcade: a free Human Rights Game App, that you can download on iOS and Android devices, which aims to educate the next generation of human rights defenders about rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly
  • What are Human Rights Video and Understanding Human Rights Booklet
  • You can also find online self-paced courses on Amnesty International’s Human Rights Academy available for teachers, students, and the general public. Individuals will have to register to enter the Academy website and take any of the free courses. Certificates are available on completion of the courses.
  • Angelina Jolie and Amnesty International have joined forces to create a resource for children and young people to learn about their rights, with the publication of a new book “Know Your Rights and Claim Them” which empowers teenagers to speak out against injustice.
  • About Amnesty Flyer

Activist Skill-Up Resources

To brush up on generic activist skills, head over to our Activist Skill Up Series. There is a range of useful resources to explore and develop your skill set and confidence, including:

Resources for Teachers & Educators

Group Development Resources

  • This Resources for Convenors document has a comprehensive list of resources that you should need to develop and lead an Amnesty Group. There’s a lot in there so use it as a directory to look up resources as you need them!
  • Also in the Activist Resources section are various other useful resources, such as our events & tactics checklist and some general event resources.

Want to fundraise for Amnesty?

Every dollar you raise really does make a difference to upholding human rights. This vital form of activism ensures we can continue to have human rights impact both locally and globally.

School based fundraisers are a powerful way for students to speak on human rights issues facing society today, while also allowing them to actually get involved in fundraising efforts to ameliorate these issues. Fundraising with Amnesty International will allow students to learn about the human rights issue at hand, but also learn how to set SMART goals, inspire school spirit and support student wellbeing.

We have seen schools donate their funds from crazy hair day, carnivals, casual dress day, readathons, colour run, movie day and annual school fetes.

Want access to even more personalised support & exclusive training opportunities? Become a Youth Member for FREE!

Youth Membership is FREE for 16 and 17 year olds and enables young people to play a unique role in shaping Amnesty’s work. As young people, you not only shape the future of our work, you are our future. Our Youth Membership offers opportunities such as:

  • Skilling up with workshops and trainings in activism and how to be a leader,
  • Participating in governance through self-electing and voting in AGMs and,
  • Networking with other passionate like-minded people in our movement at in person events, or on our Online Members Community!

Sign up by clicking the button below or email our Youth Engagement Coordinator, Tahlia, at for more information!

*Note: Are you younger than 16? No worries at all – send an email to Tahlia letting her know you’re still interested in getting involved! Are you older than 17? Also no worries – sign up for our regular membership here to receive the same benefits!