Quad summit

Prime Minister must urge QUAD leaders to uphold human rights

As the 2024 QUAD summit approaches, Amnesty International Australia has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urging him to raise the importance of respecting human rights and adhering to international law with leaders from India, Japan and the United States.

Australia is a crucial diplomatic player within the QUAD alliance and a key advocate for security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. Prime Minister Albanese must ensure that human rights considerations are integral to the alliance’s discussions and initiatives, reinforcing a collective commitment to promoting and protecting civil liberties in the Indo-Pacific.

“The QUAD alliance represents a powerful coalition of countries committed to promoting stability and security in the Indo-Pacific region. However, this commitment must also extend to ensuring that human rights are upheld in and by all member nations,” says Amnesty International Australia’s Strategic Campaigner Ry Atkinson.

“While there is no doubt much to discuss at the 2024 QUAD Summit, Prime Minister Albanese must take the opportunity the summit presents to express Australia’s grave concerns about human human rights and humanitarian violations taking place in Jammu and Kashmir, India, as well as in Gaza.”

Amnesty International Australia’s Strategic Campaigner Ry Atkinson

Amnesty International has reported significant human rights violations in India, including a system of restrictive travel bans and arbitrary detentions in Jammu and Kashmir. The United States is the largest exporter of weapons, weapons parts and munitions to Israel. Amnesty International has documented extensive evidence of these arms transfers being used by Israel to commit war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.  The continued transfer of arms to Israel by the United States shows a failure to comply with the Arms Trade Treaty, undermining the object and purpose of the Treaty.

“It is imperative that Prime Minister Albanese uses Australia’s diplomatic influence to advocate for adherence to international law and the protection of human rights,” says Ry Atkinson.

“We call on the Prime Minister to engage directly with his counterparts, urging them to take decisive action against human rights abuses and to support initiatives that promote justice and accountability.”

Australia has long championed human rights on the global stage. By raising these critical issues at the summit, Prime Albanese can reinforce Australia’s position as a leader in human rights advocacy and strengthen the moral foundation of the QUAD.