The Philippines: ICC investigation into drug killings a crucial moment for justice

Responding to news that the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) will open a preliminary examination into the “war on drugs” in the Philippines, James Gomez, Amnesty International’s Director of Southeast Asia and the Pacific said:

“This announcement marks a crucial moment for justice and accountability in the Philippines and offers a glimmer of hope to victims of the shocking atrocities committed in the government’s so called ‘war on drugs’.

“The crimes that have been committed since President Duterte took office meet the threshold of crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, the Philippine authorities have shown themselves both unwilling and unable to bring the perpetrators to justice and the real hope for victims now lies with the ICC.

“This announcement is a warning to leaders around the world that those who order or incite crimes against humanity including murder will not be able to get away with it, and will be subject to investigation under international law.”


On 8 February 2018, Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, announced that the ICC is opening a preliminary investigation into the situation in the Philippines.

In January 2017, and again in December 2017, Amnesty International recommended that unless Philippine authorities took key steps to end drug-related killings the ICC should open a preliminary examination into the crimes.

Amnesty International called for an immediate end to extrajudicial executions, plus an end to the incitement and encouragement of such killings by high-ranking officials, including the President. Amnesty also urged the authorities to launch an impartial and efficient investigation into all suspected unlawful killings. However, the Philippine authorities have so far almost completely failed to heed of these calls.