Responding to the news that the ACT parliament today passed a motion to resettle refugees that the Federal Government has warehoused on Manus Island and Nauru, Ming Yu Hah, Refugee Campaigner at Amnesty International Australia, said:
“Amnesty International strongly welcomes the move by the ACT parliament to pass a motion that calls for the immediate safety of the people warehoused on Nauru and Manus Island as part of a national program of resettlement.”
“We hope that that this sets a precedent for other States and Territories to also step up and show the sort of leadership we’ve seen today. This sends a strong message to Prime Minister Turnbull and Immigration Minister Dutton that their deliberately abusive policies are not welcome and that they must come to an end.”
“We hope that that this sets a precedent for other States and Territories to also step up and show the sort of leadership we’ve seen today. This sends a strong message to Prime Minister Turnbull and Immigration Minister Dutton that their deliberately abusive policies are not welcome and that they must come to an end.
“What we need to see now is common sense and compassion from the Federal Government, they must listen to what has been said today and take action. Refugees and people seeking asylum who Australia has trapped on Nauru and Manus Island are not safe and further tragedy is inevitable unless Australia acts responsibly.
“The Federal Government must stop harming people and instead must evacuate the camps immediately and bring all the two thousand men, women and kids to Australia.”
The motion, which was debated and then passed in the ACT Legislative Assembly today, noted the “ inhumane and degrading conditions” on Manus and Nauru, and declares that the ACT Government is willing and ready to settle refugees and asylum seekers from Manus Island and Nauru in Canberra as part of a national program of resettlement.