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Refugee rights Australia
FOI documents raise serious concerns over Australian Government’s role in detention of Hakeem al-Araibi
11 October 2019 | 6:00 am

Freedom of information documents finally released after nine months illustrate how shambolic communication and a culture of punishment before protection within the Home Affairs Department put Hakeem al-Araibi’s life at risk. Hakeem was unfairly detained in Thailand in November 2018 for 76 days on an erroneous Interpol red notice after contacting the Australian Government to […]

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A still from an animation showing a playground with swings, trees and a see saw. Hand drawing style
Community is Everything Australia
Science and raising the age of criminal responsibility
28 August 2019 | 11:53 am

By Dr Meg Perkins, PhD MAPS Most experts in the world agree that 10 years old is far too young to be held criminally responsible, and certainly far too young to be in prison. This is my view as a psychologist, having studied the neurological issues related to children in prison. In short: if you […]

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A child's hands on a fence
Community is Everything Australia
Independent expert: Minimum age of criminal responsibility should be at least 14
7 August 2019 | 4:28 pm

An independent report presented to the UN has recommended that the minimum age of criminal responsibility should be at least 14. Manfred Nowak, the Independent Expert leading the global study on children deprived of liberty says that ‘States should establish a minimum age of criminal responsibility, which shall not be below 14 years of age’. […]

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People gather to protest for Indigenous rights. Someone holds a sign that says: 'We stand together'.
Community is Everything Australia
First time all States, Territories to discuss raising age Australia locks up kids
22 November 2018 | 7:30 pm

Tomorrow may be the first time Australians see action towards raising the age Australia locks up children, with the issue on the State and Territory Attorneys-General meeting agenda for the first time. WA Attorney General John Quigley will be moving a motion regarding a national approach to raise the age of criminal responsibility. In response, […]

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Aboriginal flag fluttering in the breeze with a river in the background
Community is Everything Australia
Human rights tragedies in WA could have been prevented
19 September 2018 | 1:13 pm

With three preventable human rights tragedies in Western Australia in less than two weeks, Amnesty International’s Perth-based Indigenous Rights Manager Tammy Solonec reflects on the sadness felt by community and changes that must happen. It has been just over a week since two Aboriginal boys drowned in the Derbarl Yerrigan (Swan River) after being chased […]

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Refugee rights Australia
My refugee heritage: Tammy Solonec
24 August 2018 | 10:48 am

I grew up with two stories of displacement and resilience running through my blood. One as the granddaughter of a mission born and raised Nigena woman and the other as the grandchild of post WWII European refugees. My life as an Aboriginal woman is deeply intertwined with my refugee ancestry. Both my families faced discrimination […]

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Khadija Gbla, a proud Mum who traveled to Australia from Sierra Leone after a civil war. © Private
Four Aussie Mums who inspire us with their courage
11 May 2018 | 3:50 pm

The mother is everything – she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. He who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him constantly. – Khalil Gibran Mums all over Australia sacrifice so much […]

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Death penalty Africa
Sudan: Death sentence for raped teenager is an intolerable cruelty
11 May 2018 | 11:23 am

A Sudanese court’s sentencing of a 19-year-old woman to death for killing her rapist husband in self-defence highlights the failure of the authorities to tackle child marriage, forced marriage and marital rape, Amnesty International said today. Noura Hussein Hamad has been held in the Omdurman Women’s Prison since May 2017, and was today handed the […]

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An image of a woman and a man walking down a side street. The man has his arm around the woman and the woman is wearing a newborn baby in a sling.
Five ways to raise kids with a social conscience
11 May 2018 | 10:35 am

This Mother’s Day, blogger and mum Kathleen Zwiener looks at ways we can raise our children to have a social conscience. As I lay in the hospital bed after the birth of my first child, stroking the soft down on his newborn head, realisation swept over me: every person wrongly imprisoned, every asylum seeker locked […]

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Refugee rights Asia
Myanmar: Military land grab as security forces build bases on torched Rohingya villages
12 March 2018 | 11:04 am

Myanmar’s Rakhine State is being militarised at an alarming pace, as authorities are building security force bases and bulldozing land where Rohingya villages were burned to the ground just months ago, Amnesty International said in a new briefing today. Through eyewitness testimony and expert analysis of satellite images, Remaking Rakhine State reveals how flattening of […]

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