We’re an independent, global movement of people who campaign courageously for human rights. In more than 150 countries worldwide, over 10 million of us stand together for justice, freedom, human dignity and equality.

Right now, human rights abuses are happening in our world. But we know that our grassroots movement can change this. We know where the tipping points are and we know the power of mobilising our supporters around the world, because we’ve been doing it for more than 60 years.

Imagine what we can achieve standing side by side with people in every corner of the globe.

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At A Glance
Supporters worldwide
Activist leaders coordinating events, campaigns, action groups and networks across Australia
Actions taken by Australians for human rights in 2019

Amnesty has a record of real achievement

Prisoners of conscience
The solidarity of our supporters uniting for justice and freedom has achieved the release of thousands of political prisoners.
Arms Trade Treaty
After 20 years of sustained effort, in 2014 we secured an international agreement that regulates the global trade in conventional weapons.
Death penalty
When we started in 1961, only 9 countries had abolished state executions. Now 141 countries have stopped using the death penalty.
Stop torture
We’ve helped free survivors of torture from prison and sparked investigations into allegations of torture around the world.
Women’s rights
We’ve worked hard with supporters across the world to ensure that women and girls can enjoy their sexual and reproductive rights without discrimination or coercion.
Indigenous rights
Together we encouraged the Queensland Government to stop locking up 17-year-olds in adult prisons.

The Latest Achievements