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St George Action Group

About us: We focus on refugee and asylum seeker support, and create awareness about Amnesty campaigns and human rights.

We meet regularly to discuss how our community can help others, whether through events, online and offline campaigns, or simply discussing the issue and working towards change.

Meeting time: 2nd Tuesday of the month

Location: Kogarah Tavern, 1-3 Belgrave Street

Contact: stgeorgeamnesty@gmail.com

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Redfern Action Group

About us: We focus on the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and have been supporting Amnesty’s campaign to reduce the mass imprisonment of Indigenous kids.

Contact: redfern.amnesty@gmail.com

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Pennant Hills Action Group

About us: We are a group of concerned citizens who want to do what we can to help others enjoy their human rights.

Meeting time: 7pm, 3rd Monday of the month

Location: 8 Stevens Street, Pennant Hills

Contact: ph.amnesty@gmail.com

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Newcastle Action Group

About us: We hold monthly meetings, invite guest speakers, hold documentary screenings and plan events and actions in our local community.

Meeting time: 6pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month

Location: Zoom

Contact: newcastle@amnesty.org.au

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Mudgee Action Group

About us: We are a group of people from Mudgee and the surrounding areas (Gulgong and Wellington) who are passionate about human rights issues and want to do something positive about it in the local community.

Meeting time: 5.30pm, 2nd Wednesday of the month

Contact: amnesty.mudgee@gmail.com

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Manly Action Group

About us: We campaign and write letters on a range of human rights issues In the Manly area.

Contact: ai_in_manly@hotmail.com

Macquarie University Campus Group

About us: We focus on educating and raising awareness about human rights issues. We conduct meetings on-campus where we review current human rights abuses around the world and discuss ways in which we can help.

Contact: amnesty.macquarie@gmail.com

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Forest Action Group

About us: We meet to protect human rights in a variety of ways – for instance, responding to ‘urgent actions’ by writing letters and emails. Join us!

Contact: eli.uk@hotmail.com

Eastern Suburbs Action Group

About us: We campaign on a range of human rights issues in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. Recently we have been involved in the refugee campaign and Community is Everything (Indigenous rights).

Meeting time: 6.30pm, 2nd Tuesday of the month

Location: Berkelouw Books 19 Oxford St, Paddington

Contact: aia.esgroup@gmail.com.

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Dee Why Action Group

About us: We are involved in letter writing and campaigning on a broad range of human rights issues. We are a diverse group from the local community who are always looking for new members.

Contact: don@realsurf.com.

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