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Eastern Suburbs Action Group

About us: We campaign on a range of human rights issues in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. Recently we have been involved in the refugee campaign and Community is Everything (Indigenous rights).

Meeting time: 6.30pm, 2nd Tuesday of the month

Location: Berkelouw Books 19 Oxford St, Paddington

Contact: aia.esgroup@gmail.com.

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Dee Why Action Group

About us: We are involved in letter writing and campaigning on a broad range of human rights issues. We are a diverse group from the local community who are always looking for new members.

Contact: don@realsurf.com.

Coffs Coast Action Group

About us: We join with other human rights groups in our area for activities such as Harmony Day, Refugee Week and for Indigenous rights. These are an opportunity to raise awareness of human rights abuses.

Meeting time: 1st Wednesday of the month

Contact: amnestycoffscoast@gmail.com.

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Central Coast Action Group

About us: We write letters and campaign on a broad range of human rights issues. We are a diverse group from the local community who are always looking for new members.

Contact: amnesty.centralcoast@gmail.com.

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Avalon Action Group

About us: We work to raise funds for Amnesty International Australia and to raise awareness of human rights abuses

Meeting time: 5:30pm, 2nd Tuesday of the month

Location: Zoom

Contact: gerdhollander@gmail.com

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Urgent Action Network NSW

About us: We are part of Amnesty’s global Urgent Action Network. Together we create mass letter writing campaigns (via post, fax and email), that speak out and prevent serious violations of human rights.

Contact: uansw@amnesty.org.au.

NSW Schools Network

About us: We provide support, resources and information for school-based groups and Amnesty’s student members and activists.

Contact: nswschools@amnesty.org.au.


About us: We are volunteers that meet monthly to discuss and take action on human rights abuses based on sexual orientation or gender identity. All welcome.

Meeting time: 1st Wednesday of the month

Location: Amnesty International Action Centre, Level 1, 79 Myrtle Street, Chippendale

Contact: nswlgbtqinetwork@amnesty.org.au.

NSW Book Club

About us: We discuss books with human rights themes. Come along, meet like-minded people and support Amnesty.

Meeting time: 6.30pm, last Wednesday of the month

Location: Amnesty International Action Centre, Level 1, 79 Myrtle St, Chippendale

Contact: bookclub.amnestynsw@gmail.com.

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