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About us: The WA Amnesty LGBTIQ Action Group campaigns to defend the rights of gender, sex and sexuality diverse people in Australia and around the world.

Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings where we discuss campaigns and plan actions or events.

Meeting time: 6.30pm, 2nd Thursday of the month

Location: San Churros, Northbridge

Contact: lgbtqi.amnesty@gmail.com.


WA Indigenous Rights Group

About us: If you’re passionate about Indigenous Peoples’ rights, then the Amnesty Indigenous Rights Group is for you. The group meets regularly to discuss ways in which they can help Indigenous peoples and their communities.

Contact: indigenousrights.amnesty.wa@gmail.com


VIC Women’s Rights Defenders Network

About us: The Women’s Rights Defenders Network is made up of motivated, like-minded individuals. We work together to protect and also defend women’s rights.

Contact: wrdvic.amnesty@gmail.com

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VIC Schools Network

About us: The Schools Network is made up of dedicated volunteers who support Amnesty school groups. We provide materials for teachers, including a guide to starting your own Amnesty school group, and a new schools pack each term with activities!

Contact: vicschools@amnesty.org.au.

VIC Refugee Network

About us: We are a group of Amnesty volunteers and activists dedicated to changing the conversation and campaigning for refugee and asylum seeker rights.

Meeting time: 7pm, 2nd Wednesday of the month

Location: Amnesty International Action Centre, Centre 8, 134 Cambridge Street, Collingwood

Contact: amnestyrefugeenetwork@gmail.com

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VIC Pop Culture Network

About us: Want to fight bad guys? Protect those who can’t protect themselves? Bring together your passion for pop culture and human rights? Join the Amnesty Pop Culture Network! Our team is based in Melbourne, Victoria. We combine pop culture and also activism to make a difference for human rights.

The Pop Culture Network works to raise awareness of human rights. Our group has volunteered at many pop culture events while in Melbourne. This includes Comic Con, PAX Aus, Australian Movie & Comic Expo, and also Madman Anime Festival.

Contact: amnestypopculture@gmail.com

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About us: We are the Victorian Network that campaigns for international LGBTIQ human rights.The network campaigns and runs events. These inspire passion, commitment and change for LGBTIQ human rights around the world.

We make appearances at Pride, Midsumma, and work on our own amazing events! If you are passionate about improving LGBTIQ rights, we would love to hear from you.

Contact: viclgbtiq@amnesty.org.au

Urgent Action Network WA

About us: Urgent Actions are cases of particular abuse, issued by the Amnesty International Secretariat in London.

Urgent Actions are processed in the office each week, and members of the network are asked to write appeals to the responsible authorities on behalf of the victims.

Contact: waaia@amnesty.org.au.

Urgent Action Network VIC

About us: The Victorian network serves about 450 supporters. For 40 years we have protected people from torture and ill-treatment, helped release wrongful detainees, and also secured access to medical treatment and legal counsel for prisoners.

This network has saved lives. We send regular emails with urgent cases for network supporters to take action on. Supporters can also use pre-written letters provided by the network.

Location: Amnesty International Action Centre, Centre 8, 134 Cambridge Street, Collingwood

Contact: vicurgentactions@amnesty.org.au

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Urgent Action Network NSW

About us: We are part of Amnesty’s global Urgent Action Network. Together we create mass letter writing campaigns (via post, fax and email), that speak out and prevent serious violations of human rights.

Contact: uansw@amnesty.org.au.

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