Redacted idea on Instagram – lets dust off this idea that LT had years ago and bring it to life under the refugee campaign! Great for engagement and getting people to start to ‘feel’
- Refugee passionate supporters ring fenced from other subject matter comms
- Other version of the video – also an idea would be to also have other shorter version of the video that can be used earlier as a ‘teaser’ before the main video is launched? Also i reckon getting them to make a few different versions of different lengths (some 15sec) will ensure we can get it out across all platforms
- Online PR- I would be happy to put some budge to get some external help from a PR company to really help us connect with influencers and also think about ‘stunts’ or other ways to can get our message out.
- Homepage countdown clock
- Adding countdown clock to ‘donate unsol’ page
- Tax ‘donate’ strap sitting on every content page for June
- Tax ‘donate’ strap within every email for June
- Tax donate step up on all actions – last week of tax

© Andy Miller Imaginarium Photography
Redacted idea on Instagram- lets dust off this idea that LT had years ago and bring it to life under the refugee campaign! Great for engagement and getting people to start to ‘feel’
- Refugee passionate supporters ring fenced from other subject matter comms
- Other version of the video- also an idea would be to also have other shorter version of the video that can be used earlier as a ‘teaser’ before the main video is launched? Also i reckon getting them to make a few different versions of different lengths (some 15sec) will ensure we can get it out across all platforms