Community Organising is leadership! Amnesty leaders grow our capacity to act by developing activists through educating, empowering, and inspiring them towards action.

This workshop introduces a number of the key concepts and frameworks of organising and leadership including leadership, power, building relationships, 1 to 1 meetings, hard asks and more. It provides tips on how to motivate and organise other activists and volunteers.

Over the course of 2017 we will run workshops which unpack the key concepts and frameworks so you can develop and build on your organising and leadership skills.

Suggested audience

Current Amnesty leaders, including group and network convenors, Branch Committee members, Group Organisers, Youth Advisory Group members, and actvists and volunteers who want to step into leadership roles.

Click the RSVP link to register for the webinar.

Please note: This session is at 1pm AEDT.

Event Contact

Tracey Foley

Email Tracey Foley

activists chatting over coffee


March 11, 2017

1:00 pm

I want to attend