The Amnesty International Coffs Coast group and the Woolgoolga Art Gallery are holding a month long art exhibition and competition celebrating human rights!

The exhibition will kick off on the 2nd of June at 6:00pm at the Woolgoolga Art Gallery on Turon Parade, with opening night celebrations. Entry is $10 for non-members and $5 for members, and includes light refreshments.

The Woolgoolga Art Gallery is a hidden treasure located in the heart of Woolgoolga. The gallery was built by the Woolgoolga Art Group, a group of ten who met after an art class. It continues to be community run, providing a space for the enjoyment of the arts.

Amnesty International and the Woolgoolga Art Gallery have joined forces to create an art exhibition and competition that will promote advocacy for human rights. The two organizations hope to showcase the importance that art can bring to change hearts and minds on topics such as refugees and the death penalty.

The art exhibition will feature works inspired by Amnesty International’s campaigns, including those promoting and protecting the rights of refugees, Indigenous people in Australia, women in Afghanistan, and those advocating to end torture and the death penalty.

The competition has two divisions, one open to all ages, and one exclusively for those under the age of 18.

Come and experience the art and under the importance of advocating for human rights in a way that opens your mind and heart.

Event Contact

Norm Michener

Email Norm Michener

Artwork on the walls at the ARTillery event


Woolgoolga Art Gallery

Turon Parade, Woolgoolga, New South Wales, Australia


June 6, 2017

6:00 pm

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