We meet online (or you can phone in) quarterly. Send any agenda points to alex.kline@amnesty.org.au at least one week before each activist-driven network meeting.
Suggested audience: Everyone is welcome, particularly activists who are/want to campaign on women’s rights .
Please note: This session is at 8.30pm AEDT.
Please RSVP. Amnesty activists & volunteers please RSVP to all events & workshops with your personal email (not your action group email or other email).
To attend this session go to this link at the scheduled day & time: (https://amnestyau.zoom.us/j/727922996)
Or Telephone: +61 (0) 2 8015 2088 (Australia Toll), Meeting ID: (727 922 996)
November 02, 2017 at 8:30pm – 10pm
Online zoom meeting
Marsha Reid· mars.reid@yahoo.com ·