– Write messages of welcome, stories of welcome or arrival and reflections on.the importance of welcoming refugees to Australia.
– The tree will be lit up in all sorts of colours!
– Get your picture taken of your message, if they would like to, to put on Facebook.
– We will use the messages afterwards in a display – more details to come
Why: As part of Refugee Week, this will celebrate the importance of welcome for refugees, and raise the issue in people’s minds of what it would be like to be a refugee and come to a completely new place. It will also allow people with lived experience to share their stories of arriving, of being welcomed or not, and what welcome means to them.
Come join us anytime on Saturday!
If you would like to volunteer during the day, we need people to give out flyers in Salamanca to let them know about the Welcome Tree, we need people at the tree to encourage people to write messages and let them know how, and we need a photographer! Please contact: tasrefugeeteam@amnesty.org