Everyone’s invited to the Inner City NAIDOC Family and Sports Day on Friday 13th July at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE), 180 George Street Redfern!

Organised by a coalition of local groups and organisations and held at the NCIE, the Inner City NAIDOC Family & Sports Day is the signature event for NAIDOC celebrations in the inner city of Sydney and has been running for over 20 years.

There will be performances by local artists, sport clinics and competitions, arts & craft activities and rides and amusements for kids. There will also be a number of service stalls providing relevant information and resources on health, wellbeing and legal support.

2018 NAIDOC Theme: Because of her, we can!


National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE)

180 Georgie Street Redfern, NSW 2008


July 13, 2018

10:00 am