In brief
No one is born racist. We don’t enter the world with inbuilt prejudices. Rather they are something we learn from the society in which we live. There is much work to be done to break down both conscious and unconscious racism that still exists in Australia today.
The issue in depth
The Issue In Depth
Everything you need to know
No one should ever be held back, targeted or disadvantaged in any way because of the colour of their skin or where they came from.
Although great progress has been made and many forms of racism are now unlawful and no longer tolerated, there’s still much to be done.
Racist incidents between people continue to occur and institutional racism remains a problem – whether it be the Government’s treatment of refugees, racism directed towards First Nations Australians, the disproportionate police profiling and criminalisation of Sudanese and Muslim communities or the acts of abuse towards Asian communities.
According to the Amnesty International Australia’s Human Rights Barometer 2022:
- Australia has a problem with racism and it is our responsibility to fix it. More than half of the respondents (55%) agreed that Australia has a problem with racism to some degree. 80% of people surveyed felt that everyone in Australia has a responsibility to stop racism.
- There is a lack of understanding of different cultures and ethnic groups in Australia. Unfortunately, 57% of Australians believe that some cultures and ethnic groups do not want to fit into the ‘Australian’ way of life. 55% of respondents agreed and 18% of respondents strongly agreed that some cultures need to be doing more to fit in. This indicates that many people still believe homogeneity is necessary for a harmonious Australian society.
- Multiculturalism should be more freely discussed among Australians. Less than half of respondents disagreed with the statement that Australia is not a successful multicultural society, and 32% said they weren’t sure. There needs to be more open discussion around multiculturalism and diversity in Australia to increase understanding
Having signed and ratified both the ICERD and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), Australia should be looking towards ensuring all humans are equal before the law and eliminating racial discrimination in all its forms.
With racial inequality firmly in the spotlight, now is the best time for Australia to act. A truly bipartisan National Anti-Racism Strategy would be a stepping stone to stemming racism and promoting social cohesion.
It would benefit everyone to see power imbalances gone. Together, we can build a truly just and inclusive society, valuing equality for all.
Our work on the issue
We will push for every community leader, institution, corporation and organisation to adopt a zero tolerance approach to racism supported by stronger systems of accountability.
Read MoreAmnesty International Australia (AIA) has a vision of an Australian society that upholds everyone’s fundamental human rights and ensures every single person has the same opportunities irrespective of race.
How will we do this?
- We will raise awareness and amplify the voices of those with lived experience and use all the avenues open to us – from school assemblies, to community get-togethers, sporting events, health organisations, to writing letters to our MPs and Federal Ministers.
- In February 2021, Amnesty International Australia published an ‘Anti-racism Ally Guide‘, a comprehensive guide on what it means to be a genuine anti-racism ally and how we can all advocate for the needs of marginalised people.
- We will create safe spaces where people feel able to talk openly about racism and by doing so start working together to end racism once and for all.
- We will challenge the injustice of racism by demanding real, lasting change. We can build a nation where Indigenous children are more likely to complete high school and get a job than be in prison and where refugees can recover from untold trauma to go on and thrive in our inclusive, multicultural communities.
AIA, including our board, staff, and activists, pledge our continued commitment to creating an anti-racist organisation that is committed to eliminating the institutional and societal structures that perpetuate racism, racist ideologies, discriminatory behaviours, prejudiced attitudes, inequality and white supremacy and privilege.
Download our anti-racism statemenet PDF
CloseWhat needs to happen
In Australia today there are people who are disadvantaged because of ongoing racism, we must act now to make racism a thing of the past.
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Having signed and ratified both the ICERD and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), Australia should be looking towards ensuring all humans are equal before the law and eliminating racial discrimination in all its forms.
If we want Australia to be a nation where everyone can feel safe and feel like they belong regardless of where they come from or the colour of their skin, we need better laws across all levels of government, starting with a National Anti-Racism Strategy.
In line with the goals of the ICERD and ICESCR, Amnesty International Australia wants to create an Australian society that upholds everyone’s fundamental human rights and ensures every person has the same opportunities irrespective of race.
A national framework would be an important stepping stone towards eliminating racism and promoting social cohesion.
Institutions, corporations, sports clubs, media, the police and schools – everyone has a part to play.