Activists from around the country came together in Melbourne last weekend. They discussed our collective challenges and ideas for creating better support, materials, tactics and strategies to develop our Individuals at Risk case work.

Stunts and activities are happening all around the country this week in support of Taner Kilic. Have fun and be sure to share your photos with us at
In the weeks after we will be delivering your petitions to the Turkish embassy in Australia and talking with Julie Bishop, Minister for Foreign Affairs with the aim of having him released at his trial on 21st June.
With this in mind the deadline to return your petitions is COB 19th June. This is so we have time to present them to the Turkish Embassy before his trial. Remember you can take a photo of your completed petitions and email them to: this means we get them straight away so no waiting for the post.
Campaigning for Taner’s case will continue following this date but if we can get as many petitions back before 19 June we can demonstrate the support we have already received.
Planning for Arash and Golrokh
The next key date is set for 21st August to take action for the two young women imprisoned for their peaceful activism in Iran. The date marks one year since the verdict against Arash Sadeghi and Golrokh Ebramimi Iaree. Plan your events around this date to draw attention to their case. Read more here about their case and plan your activities.
Brave Catch Up July 2nd
Don’t forget to RSVP and join us for the next Brave catch up. You will find out all the latest info on the cases, get an update on Taner, be able to ask questions about the cases or your activities and hear from your activist colleagues around the country about what they’re planning for the rest of the year.
Cases, Petitions, Materials and Info
All your Brave materials, guides and information is still available and kept up to date on the Brave Activist webpage.