With each day that passes the humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan is getting worse. Despite the ongoing violence and immense suffering of civilians, the international community have remained woefully silent.

Civilians are facing an unthinkable crisis in Sudan — over 14,000 people have been killed and over eight million have been forcibly displaced, with nowhere to turn. We need to make it clear that Australians want their government to stand with them to do more to protect civilians in Sudan.

The people of Sudan feel forgotten amidst the spiralling violence across the country, where parties to the conflict are causing untold death and destruction.

Caught in the middle of fighting, they have no food, water, or access to medical services, and with limited internet, civilians have no access to information about safe passage or where to find medicine.

The warring parties have fought their war for a year with little regard for human rights and international humanitarian law.

People are being killed inside their homes, or while desperately searching for food, water, and medicine. They are caught in crossfire while fleeing and shot deliberately in targeted attacks. Women and girls, some as young as 12, have been raped and subjected to other forms of sexual violence by members of the warring sides.

Nowhere is safe.

This moment requires action from all of us. Australian Members of Parliament and Senators must publicly call for:

  • An increase humanitarian aid for those who have sought refuge in Sudan’s neighbouring countries, as well as for internally displaced individuals, especially women and girls who are vulnerable to sexual violence.
  • Australia to work with other donor countries to scale up humanitarian assistance, including through local Emergency Response Rooms and other mutual aid groups led by Sudanese civilians.
  • Australia to call on the United Nations Security Council to extend the existing arms embargo to the whole country and not only to the Darfur region and ensure it is fully implemented. This will disrupt the flow of weapons and contribute to reducing civilian suffering.
  • The Australian government to demand Sudan’s regional and international partners to pressure the warring parties to protect civilians and allow unhindered humanitarian access.
  • Australia to support evidence collection, documentation efforts, and accountability measures in Sudan including through the UN Fact-Finding Mission for Sudan, the International Criminal Court, and any future credible accountability process within Sudan.

Your MP is elected to represent you, so it’s important they know that you as a constituent want them to act on the crisis in Sudan. Tell your MP, and your elected representatives, to reflect your views in Parliament!

Email your MP and urge them to speak out and take action to protect civilians in Sudan.