Iranian rapper, activist and hip-hop artist Toomaj Salehi has had his death sentence overturned, but still remains in prison. Join us in calling on Iranian authorities to free Toomaj now.

Well-known Iranian rapper and hip-hop artist Toomaj Salehi has been in detention for over a year. He was arrested in October 2022 because alongside tens of thousands of Iranians he joined the “Women. Life. Freedom” popular uprisings calling for equality and human rights.

He says that he was tortured in detention; with electric shocks and repeated beatings that left him with bone fractures, gave electric shocks to his feet, held a gun to head and threatened to kill and bury him in a hole they dug in the ground, stomped in his chest, and left him with an eye injury affecting his eyesight.

We need to show there are people around the world standing with him. We need to show the Iranian authorities that we won’t be silent while Toomaj remains in prison.

He continues to suffer from pain following his torture. He needs surgery, but the authorities have denied him access to adequate medical care.

Join us to free Toomaj, and send your letter to the Ambassador Ahmad Sadeghi, who represents Iran in Australia.