Right now we have a unique opportunity to protect the human rights of everyone in Australia – but we need your help.

On the 30th May, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, handed down their report on their Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework. The report included an exciting recommendation for Parliament to legislate a Human Rights Act.

We’re now one step closer to having our rights protected in law.

In 2023 Amnesty sent over 4,000 submissions to the inquiry, showing the Albanese government that there are thousands of people, all around Australia, who want them to legislate a Human Rights Act. Although this positive recommendation is an exciting leap for our campaign, we now need to hold the Albanese government accountable so that they take the next step and legislate a Human Rights Act.

We now need to contact our local MPs and Senators and tell them to take the next step and legislate a Human Rights Act for Australia. In getting a Human Rights Act for Australia over the line, it will be critical that all MPs and Senators hear from their electorates why a Human Rights Act will create better lives for all Australians.

Every day, with your support, we move closer to a world where all of our rights are protected in law. Where our government considers and respects human rights, and where we can take real action if our rights are abused. Can you tell your MP why you support a Human Rights Act now?

Enshrining our human rights in law will safeguard them, and give us all the tools to fight for them when they’re disrespected.

Take action now and email your local MP and ask them to advocate on your behalf, for a Human Rights Act for Australia, NOW!