Amnesty International WA will be hosting their next Beats For Bravery event this December to celebrate the brave human rights defenders among us.

Concert performances from talented local bands, and an auctioning of works from prestigious artists including David Spencer, Zal Kanga-Parabia, Joanna Brown, Jana vodesil-Baruffi, Ayad Alqaragholli & Peter Barker will be held on the evening.

There will be opportunities to take action in Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign.

Beats for Bravery is an opportunity for the community to stand up for, and stand up with, brave human rights defenders, and celebrate the 71st year of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which enshrined the inalienable rights of all people.

Event Contact

Emily Watson

Email Emily Watson


Moore & Moore Cafe

42 Henry Street #Building 46 Fremantle, WA 6160


December 20, 2019

6:00 pm

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