Join Amnesty staff, volunteers, members and activists to stand up for human rights at the Perth Global #ClimateStrike!

Our contingent will be meeting before the strike at The Cactus sculpture in Forrest Place, Perth WA at 10:45am so that we can head there together. Look for the yellow t-shirts!

Amnesty International is supporting the global #ClimateStrike because human rights are intimately linked to the climate crisis. Climate change harmfully impacts our rights, including the rights to life, health, food, water, housing and livelihoods.

That’s why, on September 20, three days before the UN Emergency Climate Summit, we’ll be joining school students for the biggest ever global #ClimateStrike. Everyone is invited, everyone is needed and everyone is welcome.

By taking time off school and work together around the world, we’ll show our politicians that people everywhere want climate justice and we’re not going away until we get it. We’ll strike in solidarity for everyone who’s already being hurt by the climate crisis and everyone who will be impacted if we don’t act now: workers, first nations people, young people, mining communities and more.

We still have time to prevent this human rights disaster — and that time is now!


The Cactus, Forrest Place, Perth WA, Australia


September 20, 2019

10:45 am

I want to attend