Help raise funds for Amnesty International with fun-filled trivia on a Sunday afternoon with the Amnesty Brisbane City action group.

Do you know what year the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was founded? When is international human rights day? Which country was the first to allow women to vote?

If you think you know the answers to these questions and more, join the Amnesty Brisbane City group for an exciting afternoon of trivia at the Crown Hotel in Lutwyche on the 29th of October at 2:00pm.

Tickets are $15 and $10 for concessions. To RSVP or for general enquiries, please contact Both individual and table bookings are welcome!

All funds raised will support Amnesty International to defend human rights in Australia and around the world.

Event Contact

Rachel Bagooley

Email Rachel Bagooley

Letter Writing Marathon at the Dutch Office Amnesty International The Netherlands Amsterdam. Every December, to mark International Human Rights Day, hundreds of thousands of people around the globe take part in the world’s largest human rights event: Write for Rights.


Crown Hotel in Lutwyche

446 Lutwyche rd Lutwyche


October 29, 2017

2:00 pm

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