Amnesty NSW would like to invite you to a training day for activists in Western Sydney. This workshop will give our activists the training they need to be effective in their groups and provide them with the know-how and skills they need to start running their own events and helping with group organisation.

The outcomes for the day are:

  • to learn about the values and structure of Amnesty International
  • how to find and use campaign and group resources
  • how to be active listeners and have structured conversations
  • how to handle objections when speaking with the public about our causes
  • and learning about how to plan and evaluate events

The training is aimed towards our new Action Group members, any activists who haven’t been able to attend our Social Change Labs for these modules, and any current activists who would like to brush up on a few of the basics.

This is also a great opportunity to make connections with other activists in the area and to share the experiences you have had in your own groups as we learn together the skills we need to empower us now, and into 2017.

Volunteers and activists at the 2015 NSW Youth Conference.


ICE (Information and Cultural Exchange)

8 Victoria Rd, Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia


December 3, 2016

10:00 am

I want to attend